The Work With What You Have Series: Orange Floors Edition
As a home stager that stages LIVED-IN homes exclusively, the fact that the large majority of homeowners can’t upgrade every single thing that they want to in their home is not lost on me. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why I love working with these lived-in homes so much. It’s like a puzzle!
The thing is, as long as you have a solid understanding of color theory and how colors affect other colors, you can create a cohesive look within your home which will help that “thing” you’re wanting to upgrade make sense and look more intentional. When your home flows, its easier to look beyond specific features that you may not be in love with. Neutralizing a space is key to staging but its also the key to making your home more YOU.
So I hereby declare the official start to my “Work With What You Have” series! A simplified series that will highlight common upgrades that I see homeowners wanting to make but ultimately needing to learn how to live with due to VARIOUS reasons - funds, lifestyle, age of kids, not wanting to inhale dust for months to come… the list goes on! The goal here is to show you how I would use the colors I COULD change to my advantage in order to make the home as a whole (including that “THING” lol) feel cohesive.
Is everything within this series going to be YOUR style? No. But you can take the colors I use and make them your own! OR for a more personalized experience, you can book me directly and I’ll redesign your space with YOUR style in mind!
Moving on.
Please note that the links within this post are affiliate links. Which means that if you make a purchase through one of these links, I may make a small commission at NO additional cost to you! These links just help the family behind this small business of mine. Thank you so much for your support!
Edition 1: Orange Flooring
If your home was built in the 90s, theres a pretty solid chance that you have some golden oak sitting in it SOMEWHERE. & if you’re like me, you lost your mind looking at it and at one point painted every bit of orange-y oak you could find. Whoops. Let’s actually hope you AREN’T like me and didn’t go around painting everything on a whim because I’m here to tell you… you have other options lol.
The Main Color To Avoid
I mean this in a very broad sense - as in, do not buy a rug, paint the walls, or buy large items in these colors if you are trying to make your orange flooring “blend in”. The colors to avoid - Blues/Purples. These colors will intensify orange and make your flooring POP. Not the vibe we are going for if we are trying to downplay.
Instead, do this -
Instead of the orange floors working against us, in this color palette we are making them work FOR us. They look just like they were a part of the plan all along! Earthy tones are key in this one. You can shop specific links above OR save this picture for the next time you go shopping!
Keeping these colors in mind will lead you down the path to cohesiveness. Orange floors for the win.