The Work With What You Have Series: Gray Flooring

As a home stager that works exclusively with LIVED-IN homes, the fact that the large majority of homeowners can’t upgrade every single thing they want to and all at one time is not lost on me. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why I love working with these lived-in homes so much - it’s like a puzzle!

The thing is, as long as you have a solid understanding of color theory and how colors affect other colors, you can create a cohesive look within your home. A look that makes the “thing” you want to upgrade, work FOR you instead. When your home flows, it’s easier to look beyond specific features that you may not be in love with because instead of highlighting them, we are blending them in aka NEUTRALIZING. This is the key to staging a home to sell but its also the way to make your home more YOU without the huge price tag that typically comes with a full remodel.

So here we are with another edition of my “Work With What You Have” series! A simplified series that will highlight common upgrades that are desired but maybe not feasible at the moment. The goal here is to show you how I would use the colors I COULD change to my advantage in order to make the home as a whole (including the “thing” lol) feel more cohesive.

Work With What You Have Series

1) Working with Orange/Honey Oak Flooring

2) Working with Gray Flooring * You Are Here *

More to come soon!!

Please note that the links within this post are affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase through one of these links, I may make a small commission at NO additional cost to you! These links just help the family behind this small business of mine. Thank you so much for your support!

Topic 2: Gray Flooring

You know the sea of gray trend? The one where EVERYTHING was gray and white - floors, walls, trim, cabinets, you name it! It had a tendency to fall a bit flat and feel really cold. If this is your home, this post is most DEFINITELY for you! The key here is warming it up but doing so very carefully! Why? Because there’s usually a lot of brighter, clean whites incorporated into these homes which won’t work with just any warm color. For example, if you have cooler toned gray floors and were to paint your walls a really warm white - I’ve got bad news, your walls are probably going to look dingy and a bit dirty.

Instead, we can use our rug to subtly incorporate both cool and warm tones and bring in greens and darker wood stains to build up the cozy in this space. Using deeper greens and browns will bring in some character while also making the floors look like they were a part of your whole design from the get go!

This is the Vibe -

Now let’s get these gray homes all warmed up! If you’d like a custom e-design plan done for your home instead, reach out through my contact me page with your project’s details and I will get back to you ASAP!

Paint colors can change depending on your lighting & surrounding colors! If you need help selecting a color that will work in your specific space - book a color consultation with me!

Whole house paint color consultations are also available in my Etsy shop.

Want to do it all on your own? I created this Paint & Stain Guide for all of my fellow DIYers out there!


Staging MUST HAVES for Agents


The Work With What You Have Series: Orange Floors Edition