Photo Friendly Lamps on Amazon

Ever look through listing photos and think - “this house looks so cluttered” ? Well, there’s a good chance that the house isn’t actually cluttered in real life, the decor in it is just too small!

Decor thats too small is SUPER quick to translate to clutter in professional photos. So what can you do? First of all, making sure that your decor is larger than the size of a basketball will make a huge difference. But it’s not just your wall art and coffee table decor you need to worry about… it’s your lamp selection that will make all the difference too!

So above I have handpicked several photo friendly lamps that you can easily order on Amazon! I mean, you’re welcome 😏. Below you will find the links ordered by number. Happy staging!!

First, disclosure stuff. The below links are called “affiliate links”, meaning if you make a purchase through one of these links, I may make a small commission. This is at NO cost to you! Just helps support my small business and the family behind it 😊

*Affiliate Links Below*

1 Gray, Natural Stone Finish Lamp

2. Light Gray, Stone Lamp

3. Rustic Biege Country Lamp

4. Textured Dot Jug Table Lamp

5. White & Wood Modern Farmhouse Lamp

6. Dark Gray & White Textured Lamp


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